How does UTM tracking work in Usermaven?

How does UTM tracking work in Usermaven?

Understanding the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns is crucial for optimizing resource allocation and maximizing return on investment (ROI). This is where UTM tracking comes in.

What is a UTM code?

A UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) code is a snippet of text added to the end of a URL to track the metrics and performance of a specific digital marketing campaign. UTM codes can contain up to five parameters: campaign, source, medium, content, and term. They help you track where traffic is coming from, allowing you to measure each campaign’s, platform’s, or medium’s ROI correctly.

However, these can be overwhelming at first sight. Here’s what a URL with its own UTM code can mean: (opens in a new tab)

Let’s break this down:

  • (opens in a new tab): This is the base URL of the page.

  • ?: This signals to your analytics software that a string of UTM parameters will follow.

  • utm_campaign=blog_post: This is the first UTM parameter, specifically for the campaign the visitor engaged with (in this case, a blog post campaign).

  • &: This denotes that another UTM parameter will follow.

  • utm_medium=social: This is the second parameter, specifically for the channel the visitor came from (in this case, social).

  • &: This denotes that another UTM parameter will follow.

  • utm_source=facebook: This is the last parameter, specifically for the specific website the visitor came from (in this case, Facebook).

Thus, this particular example means that once traffic comes in from the people who click on the link, the traffic should be attributed to Facebook. The "medium" is social media, while the "source" is Facebook.

Benefits of UTM tracking

UTM tracking can serve as a very beneficial tool. Here’s how they can help you:

  • Better Tracking: UTM codes provide a granular view of your website traffic. You can see exactly where visitors are coming from (source), how they arrived (medium), and the specific campaign that drove them there (name and content). This detailed information is crucial for understanding the most successful marketing channels and campaigns.

  • Data-Driven Decisions: With UTM data, you can move beyond assumptions and base your marketing choices on concrete information. You can identify high-performing channels, refine underperforming campaigns, and allocate resources more strategically.

  • Better Audience Understanding: UTM parameters can shed light on your audience demographics and behavior patterns. You can see which campaigns resonate with different audience segments, allowing you to tailor your messaging and content for maximum impact.

  • Attribution Modeling: UTM tracking plays a vital role in attribution modeling, which assigns credit for conversions across multiple touchpoints. This helps you understand the customer journey and identify the various channels contributing to a sale or lead.

How to setup UTM tracking in Usermaven?

Here’s how you can build a UTM code and use it in Usermaven:

  1. To build a UTM link, refer to Replug’s Free UTM Builder. (opens in a new tab)

  2. Fill in each attribute in the given form:

tracking setup

  1. In case the link is too long, you can shorten it using (opens in a new tab)

  2. Once you've created your UTM link, integrate it into your marketing campaign materials.

  3. Usermaven will automatically begin tracking traffic attributed to the specific UTM parameters. This data will be readily available under the UTM traffic section of your Usermaven web analytics dashboard.

tracking setup

By effectively implementing UTM tracking in Usermaven, you can gain valuable insights into your marketing campaign performance, optimize your strategies, and ultimately achieve your goals.