Reporting Period and Currency

Default reporting period and currency

By default, the Usermaven reporting period is set to the last 30 days with USD as the standard currency. However, you can customize it according to your preference. Once adjusted, all subsequent reports in Usermaven will reflect your specified reporting period.

Reporting period

Reporting period is one of the most important parameters for building analytical reports.It is the span of time you set to view your data in. You can select a default value for the time range filter. It can range from a single day to the last 12 months.

Here’s the step-by-step process to do this:

  1. Once you have logged into the platform, click on the Workspace Settings option from the left menu and then click on Miscellaneous

    reporting period and currency

  2. At the very top of the page, you should be able to see the option of Reporting Period. Click on the dropdown menu and select the timeline you want to view your website's data in.

    select reporting period

  3. That’s it. You can also change the reporting period by visiting Web Analytics> Reporting Period.

Reporting currency

Reporting Currency is the monetary value assigned to data to identify its financial significance. Usermaven enables its users to select the default value for the reporting currency.

Let’s dive into it.

  1. Once you have logged into the platform, click on the Workspace Settings option from the left menu and then click on Miscellaneous

    reporting period and currency

  2. You should find the "Reporting Currency" option as the second heading on the page. To set your preferred reporting currency, simply click on the dropdown menu and choose your desired default currency value.

    select reporting currency