Google Tag Manager

Installing the Usermaven script using Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager (GTM) provides a straightforward solution for managing tags and snippets that transmit data to third parties, such as Usermaven, from your website or app. This system allows you to effortlessly add or remove snippets without the need for a developer to update any code.

By installing Usermaven through Google Tag Manager, you gain enhanced insights into your customers' interactions with your site and app. If you are already utilizing Google Tag Manager to incorporate third-party scripts on your website, you can seamlessly extend its functionality to include the installation of Usermaven's tracking script. This streamlined integration simplifies the process of tracking user actions and facilitates a comprehensive understanding of user engagement.

Tags, triggers, and variables in Google Tag Manager

In Google Tag Manager, three key components play a crucial role in managing and implementing tracking on your website:

  • Tags: In the context of Google Tag Manager, a tag is a piece of code that you intend to implement on your website. It can range from tracking codes like Facebook pixel events, and Google Analytics page views, to various other functionalities such as changing the color of a button. A tag is essentially the action or task you want Google Tag Manager to perform.

  • Triggers: Triggers are conditions that determine when you want your tags to be activated or fired. For instance, if you wish to activate a Google Ads conversion tag when a visitor signs up for a newsletter, signing up for the newsletter becomes the trigger. Triggers define the specific events or scenarios under which tags should execute, such as page views, button clicks, or specific scrolling percentages.

  • Variables: Variables are data points within Google Tag Manager that provide information or configurations. They serve as containers for values, ranging from simple to more complex data. These data points are utilized in tags or triggers to make them more specific. For example, if you want a tag to fire only on a specific page (trigger), the variable could be the page URL, with a condition like "contains thank you" or "order successful.”

    Website Analytics

Installing the Usermaven tracking script using Google Tag Manager

Here’s how you can install the Usermaven tracking script using Google Tag Manager:

  1. Log in to your Google Tag Manager (opens in a new tab) account and navigate to the designated workspace/container linked with the website you intend to track using Usermaven.

  2. Select 'Add a new tag' and, on the tag configuration page, assign a name to your tag.

  3. Click on ‘Discover more tag types in the Community Template Gallery’. Locate 'Custom HTML’ and click on it.

  4. Incorporate your Usermaven tracking script as a 'Custom HTML Tag' under 'Tag Configuration'.

  5. Ensure the ‘Support document. write’ box is checked.

  6. For the trigger, opt for the default "All Pages - Page View" trigger, then click 'Save' in the top-right corner. View Google Tag Manager integration with Usermaven.

  7. Return to the main dashboard and select 'Submit'.

  8. On the Submission Configuration page, click on 'Publish and Create Version,' then provide the version name and description.

  9. Once completed, click the 'Publish' button.

To verify the correct configuration of Usermaven, visit your website and then check if the events from your session are visible on the Usermaven dashboard. It may take a few minutes for the events to appear.

Setting up triggers and variables

Upon completing the installation of the Usermaven tracking script, the subsequent step involves adding appropriate triggers and variables. Here's how to create a trigger and configure variable settings:

  • Creating a Trigger:
  1. Navigate to 'Triggers' on your Google Tag Manager dashboard and click on ‘New’.

  2. On the Trigger Configuration Page, provide a name for your trigger.

  3. Once done, click the Edit button to reveal trigger types.

  4. There are a couple of options available for you to select. If, for instance, you wish to track a ‘Page View’, select 'Page View' and specify when the trigger should activate.

  5. After selecting page views, set conditions for the event triggering the trigger. Add multiple conditions if needed.

  6. Click 'Save' once the trigger is configured.

  • Creating a Configuration Settings Variable:
  1. Navigate to 'Variables' on your Google Tag Manager dashboard and click on ‘New’.

  2. On the Variable Configuration Page, choose the ‘Google tag: Configuration settings’ variable.

  3. Next, add the parameters you want to use. You will find a table of pre-defined parameters below. If none of these fit your needs, you can always create a custom parameter. Just type a name of your choice in the Name field.

  4. Once done, enter a name for your variable and click on ‘Save’.

This process ensures a proper setup of triggers and variables, empowering you to customize Usermaven tracking according to your specific requirements.

Tracking custom data about your users and companies

Usermaven allows you to incorporate 'Custom Data Attributes,' enabling you to monitor additional information crucial to your business. This feature facilitates tracking user behaviors through Pinned Events and provides an option to send Custom Events.

  • Pinned Events
  1. Click the 'Create Pinned Event' button located at the top right corner of the events page.

  2. Assign a name to your pinned event.

  3. Utilize the query builder to select the events you want to group. You can choose from six different criteria to identify a button or link click event:

  • By button or link's label text

  • By button or link's CSS attributes

  • By source page URL where the button or link is present

  • By destination URL (anchor link) of the button or link

  • By HTML element ID

  • By HTML element name

  1. Apply AND/OR conditions in the query to refine your events based on specific elements, pages, and more, making Usermaven's pinned events feature highly versatile.

For a more in-depth understanding of pinned events, please refer to our 'Creating Pinned Events (opens in a new tab)' page.

  • Custom Events

Usermaven not only allows you to track essential events like "signed_up" or "book-a-demo" but also provides the flexibility to monitor a wide range of custom events related to your users and companies. Whether it's a key interaction within your platform or a significant milestone achieved by your users, custom events offer a tailored approach to understanding and analyzing user engagement.

To get started, consider implementing event calls following the Usermaven('id') call for logged-in users. This practice ensures a seamless connection between events and specific users or companies within your workspace. If you're unsure about the events that best suit your analytics needs, refer to our comprehensive tracking guide (opens in a new tab) for valuable insights and recommendations.

Challenges associated with the implementation of Google Tag Manager

- Complexity

Integrating Usermaven with Google Tag Manager is a seamless process due to Usermaven's simplicity and lightweight nature. Following the outlined steps ensures a smooth collaboration between Usermaven and GTM, allowing for effective tracking of website visitors.

However, if you intend to leverage the more advanced features offered by GTM, it is crucial to thoroughly check and test the tracking. GTM provides options such as tag firing priorities, firing options, tag sequencing, and more. Deviating from the basic setup by incorporating these advanced features may impact the Usermaven script's ability to load and track visitors effectively. To navigate these advanced systems, it is advisable to have in-house knowledge and experience with GTM, ensuring optimal utilization of both platforms.

- Issues due to browser extensions

It's important to note that various browsers and browser extensions, such as Brave, Firefox, and Safari, have built-in mechanisms to block the GTM script. This means that a segment of your website visitors might be prevented from being tracked if you choose to install Usermaven using GTM.

For a more accurate tracking experience, it is recommended to consider installing Usermaven without GTM. When Usermaven is integrated without GTM or by utilizing our pixel white-labeling (opens in a new tab), the tracking script is blocked by fewer individuals. This approach ensures a broader reach and more precise analytics by minimizing the impact of browser-based script-blocking mechanisms on your tracking capabilities.