Personal information
Locating basic account information on Usermaven is straightforward. Simply navigate to the bottom-right corner of your screen and look under ‘Account Settings’
Account setting section offers a fundamental account overview encompassing general information, API credentials, account security, data consent, and various other essential details.
General settings
This section furnishes your fundamental account and profile details. Here, you’ll easily locate your first and last name, your company name, and the email address you’ll use to sign into your Usermaven account.
Change your profile image
To change your profile image, click on the edit icon next to your image. Once clicked, you will be asked to upload your new profile image.
Change your personal details
In the account information section, enter your first name, last name and the name of the company and click on Save. Your personal details will then be updated successfully.
Change your email address
In the account information section, you will see the email you used to sign into your Usermaven account. Make changes to it if needed and click on button to update your email address.