AI Funnels Insights

Usermaven’s AI funnel insights: Uncover your conversion secrets


Welcome to the future of funnel analysis with Usermaven’s AI Funnel Insights! This cutting-edge AI-powered feature is designed to transform how you view and optimize your funnel performance and conversion rates.

By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, AI Funnel Insights provides comprehensive, actionable data to enhance conversion rates and overall funnel efficiency. Instead of just presenting raw data, it contextualizes your funnel metrics with industry benchmarks and offers a multidimensional view of your funnel’s performance.

How to access AI funnel insights

Accessing the AI Funnel Insights feature is super easy. Follow the given steps:

  1. On your Web Analytics dashboard, click on 'Funnel'.

  2. On the Funnels dashboard, navigate to the specific funnel you wish to view the insights for.

  3. Click on the 'AI Insights' button for that funnel.

Voila! That's how you get quick, effective, and accurate AI Funnel insights with Usermaven.

Features of Usermaven’s AI funnel insights

  • Overall funnel performance

Our AI delivers a comprehensive overview of your funnel's performance. It evaluates conversion rates at each stage and compares your performance against industry benchmarks, giving you a clear picture of where you stand.

In the example below,the overall conversion rate is 3.36%, with 982 funnel entries and 33 conversions. This falls within the typical 3-5% range for SaaS, but there's room for improvement. Direct traffic (925 visitors) converts slightly better at 3.57%, suggesting potential for optimizing this high-volume channel.

  • Channel performance analysis

Discover which marketing channels are driving the best results and which ones need improvement. AI Funnel Insights categorizes your channels into top performers and underperformers, providing data-backed insights to optimize your marketing efforts.

In the example shown below, the direct channel is the top performer with a 3.57% conversion rate (925 entries, 33 conversions). Other channels (organic social, referral, organic search, email, and other campaigns) show 0% conversion rates, but have small sample sizes (<100 entries each), requiring more data for conclusive analysis.

  • Source performance evaluation

Not all traffic sources are equal. Our AI evaluates conversion rates from different sources, identifying which websites or platforms deliver the highest-quality visitors. This helps you focus on sources that contribute the most to your success.

For instance, it may reveal that a particular source has an exceptionally high conversion rate, significantly outperforming the overall average. This helps you focus on sources that contribute the most to your success.

  • Geographic performance insights

For businesses operating or contemplating expansion across multiple countries, understanding geographic performance is vital. AI Funnel Insights breaks down funnel performance by country and region, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for growth.

For example, in the image below it shows that US leads with 14 conversions and a 6.76% conversion rate from 207 entries. The UK performs well at 13.79% conversion rate (29 entries). India, despite having the second-highest entries (153), shows a low 0.65% conversion rate with only 1 conversion, indicating a significant improvement opportunity.

  • Device performance comparison

Compare funnel performance across various devices to spot discrepancies. If mobile conversions are lagging behind desktop, for example, you’ll be able to address the issue with targeted optimizations.

  • Surprising findings

It also acts as a vigilant detective, constantly monitoring your data for unexpected trends or outliers. When it detects surprising elements - like an unexpected spike in conversions from a new source or unusual user behavior patterns — it promptly brings these to your attention, unearthing potential opportunities for growth and optimizations.

  • Opportunities identification

Beyond addressing issues, our AI actively identifies opportunities for improvement in your funnel. It analyzes data from multiple perspectives to uncover opportunities where minor adjustments could lead to significant performance enhancements.

  • Actionable recommendations

Insights are only valuable if they lead to action. AI Funnel Insights provides clear, actionable recommendations based on your data. Whether you need to streamline processes, localize content, or optimize for mobile, the AI guides you with specific steps to take.

  • Continuous evolution of insights

The digital landscape is continually evolving, and your funnel insights should keep pace. Our AI Funnel Insights is not a one-time analysis tool; it continuously updates its insights as new data flows in. This ensures you always have the latest information to make data-driven decisions and continuously optimize your funnel.


With Usermaven’s AI Funnel Insights, you’re equipped with a powerful tool to elevate your funnel analysis and optimization. This feature helps you make data-driven decisions, improve conversion rates, and stay ahead in a dynamic digital landscape. Embrace the future of funnel analytics and watch your performance soar!