Customer service

12 strategies to increase your customer engagement

Aug 11, 2023

7 mins read

12 strategies to increase your customer engagement

Customer engagement is super important in today’s concurrent business world. No matter if you’re running a small startup or a big corporation, it’s crucial to have effective customer engagement strategies in place. Customers participating in your brand marketing campaigns or relevant activities are more likely to be your brand’s advocate, increasing your company’s overall success.

What customer engagement actually is?

Customer engagement is the ongoing interaction between a company and its customers. It is also referred to as the measure of the emotional connection, level of involvement, and loyalty customers have with a brand, product, or service. Customer engagement goes beyond transactions and involves building and maintaining customer relationships over time. It can be achieved in various ways, including marketing campaigns, personalized communication, customer service, social media interactions, loyalty programs, feedback surveys, and community-building efforts.

Strong customer engagement offers benefits such as increased customer retention, higher customer lifetime value, positive word-of-mouth referrals, and a better understanding of customer preferences and behaviors, leading to improved products and services. It is vital for building a satisfied customer base and contributes to the long-term growth of a business.

Positive customer engagements are the interactions between a company and its customers that leave a favorable and satisfying impression. These positive interactions foster mutual trust and a sense of value and lead to building lasting relationships. The key elements of customer engagement include the following:

  • Personalization: Engagements tailored to individual customer preferences and needs show that a company understands and values each customer as an individual.
  • Exceptional customer service: Going above and beyond to assist customers and resolve any issues they may have in a friendly, empathetic, and timely manner.
  • Positive brand experience: Delivering a consistently positive and memorable experience across all touchpoints, whether online or offline.
  • Customer-centricity: Putting the customer at the center of business decisions and actively seeking customer feedback to improve products and services.
  • Transparency and trust: Being honest and transparent with customers about products, services, and potential limitations or challenges.

Happy and engaged customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, refer friends and family, and speak positively about the company online and offline. This positive word-of-mouth can significantly impact the company’s reputation and success.

What are the types of customer engagement?

Understanding the different kinds of customer engagement and how each helps build long-term relationships with the audience is important. Here are four different types and their impact on businesses and brands.

1. Contextual engagement

Contextual engagement means providing personalized and relevant customer experiences based on their preferences, behaviors, and past interactions with the company. Companies use data analytics to understand customer needs and deliver targeted content. It captures customers’ attention by offering them exactly what they want. For contextual engagement, the right timing and the right context are essential for communication to be effective.

2. Engagement of Convenience

Convenience engagement focuses on offering a seamless and effortless customer experience. It aims to remove any barriers or friction customers might encounter when interacting with the company. Some ways businesses achieve engagement of convenience are by offering self-service options, user-friendly interfaces, simple checkout processes, and accessible customer support. Moreover, companies also provide comprehensive FAQs, chatbots, or interactive knowledge bases to assist customers with common inquiries.

3. Emotional engagement

Emotional engagement refers to connecting with customers on a deeper level by evoking positive emotions and creating a strong emotional bond between the customer and the brand. Emotions significantly impact customer behavior and decision-making. Companies use storytelling and compelling brand narratives in marketing campaigns to make their messaging resonate with customers’ emotions, values, and aspirations.

4. Social engagement

Social engagement involves interactions between the company and its customers on social media platforms. It realizes the power of social media to boost customer engagement in today’s interconnected world. Companies use social media to humanize their brand, show authenticity, and connect with customers more personally.

Social engagement involves actively participating in conversations, responding to customer inquiries and feedback, sharing valuable content, and building a sense of community around the brand.

What is the relationship between customer engagement and customer retention?

Customer engagement and retention are closely related, as one often leads to the other. Engaged customers tend to perceive the company and its offerings positively, leading them to make repeat purchases and continue their relationship with the brand over time. Companies that invest time, resources, and efforts in engaging customers positively, resulting in increasing their retention rates. Personalization, proactive support, emotional connection, rewards & incentives, and community building reduce customer churn.

Keeping your customers engaged throughout the various stages of the funnel ensures that they don’t drop and may convert. Even further, it turns customers into brand advocates who actively promote the businesses they are a fan of. In short, since both are interconnected, customer engagement improves customer loyalty, leading to customer retention.

What are the 12 strategies to increase customer engagement?

Let’s dive into different strategies that help you increase your customer engagement

1. Craft a personalized customer experience

Crafting a personalized customer experience means tailoring interactions, content, and offers to match individual customer preferences and needs. Businesses can use customer data and insights to deliver relevant content across multiple channels. It makes the customers feel understood and valued.
Not only should you focus on personalizing interaction with existing customers but also on leaving a memorable first-contact experience. You can Implement a welcome survey to understand customers’ needs and personalize your offerings. Be available on multiple communication channels, such as phone, email, live chat, or social media, to cater to the customer’s preferred method of contact.

2. Map out the customer journey

To understand your customers, their behavior, and how they interact with your brand, you need to map out their complete customer journey from the point they discover your brand till conversion and beyond. With a clear understanding of the customer’s journey from initial awareness to post-purchase, businesses can identify pain points, o
pportunities for improvement, and moments where engagement can be enhanced.

This knowledge is a gold mine of insights into customer behavior. Companies can personalize interactions and tailor content, anticipate customer expectations, and be proactive in their communication. Additionally, mapping the customer journey promotes a customer-centric mindset within the organization, fostering a culture prioritizing customer needs and continuous improvement.

3. Make your funnels friction-free

Funnels refer to the various steps or stages a customer goes through before purchasing or taking a desired action. Friction occurs when some obstacles or difficulties slow down or discourage customers from proceeding through the funnel. By reducing friction at each customer journey stage, businesses can create a smoother and more seamless experience, encouraging customers to stay engaged and continue moving forward. Below are some ways you can make funnels friction-free to increase customer engagement:

  • Ensure that your website or app has a clear and intuitive navigation system.
  • Simplify the checkout process by minimizing the number of steps and form fields.
  • Use clear and compelling CTAs that prompt customers to take the desired action.
  • Avoid asking customers for unnecessary information during sign-ups or registration.
  • Optimize your website or app for speed. Slow loading times can lead to customer frustration and abandonment.

4. Use data analytics to strategize your customer engagement

Incorporating data analytics in your product growth and marketing practices is a powerful approach to increase customer engagement. Data analytics involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting customer data to gain valuable insights into their preferences, behaviors, and needs. Data analytics tools allow you to leverage customer data using privacy-friendly analytics solutions.

With data analytics tools like Usermaven, you can track individual user behavior to understand their interests. You can see what they’re paying attention to and make informed decisions. Businesses can measure customer engagement metrics to assess the success of their strategies and perform segmentation by grouping customers based on various criteria, such as demographics, behavior, or purchase history. Data analytics empowers you to make data-driven decisions and focus your efforts on the most impactful areas.

5. Create content that speaks to your Audience

Relevant content speaks to your audience and is tailored to their specific interests and challenges. Content that speaks to your audience can evoke emotions, such as empathy, joy. Emotional content resonates with customers on a deeper level, making them more likely to engage, share, and remember the brand.

For effective content, include storytelling to connect with your audience. Stories have the power to captivate and inspire, creating a memorable experience that encourages customers to stay engaged and interact with the brand. Provide educational and informative content such as tips, industry insights, and solutions to your audience’s problems. It builds trust and credibility and establishes your business as a thought leader.

6. Track and analyze customer engagement metrics

Tracking and analyzing customer engagement metrics provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your engagement efforts. By tracking metrics such as website traffic, click-through rates, and social media interactions, businesses can identify which channels or touchpoints are most effective in engaging customers and where they need to optimize efforts.

Customer engagement metrics, such as time spent on the website or app, bounce rates, and video views, provide quantifiable customer interest and involvement measures. Monitoring customer engagement metrics with data analytics tools like Usermaven can help detect signs of customer dissatisfaction or disengagement.

7. Collect and leverage customer feedback

Customer feedback can inspire new ideas for products or services that align with customer preferences and lead to iterative improvements. Implementing customer-suggested features or offerings enhances engagement by meeting specific desires.

Establishing feedback loops, such as follow-up surveys or feedback request emails, creates continuous communication with customers. This ongoing engagement reinforces the relationship with the brand.

Tracking feedback metrics, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores, allows businesses to measure customer engagement levels over time. Monitoring these metrics helps in assessing the success of engagement strategies.

8. Empower your customer support Team

Empowering your customer support team is a highly effective strategy to increase customer engagement as it enables them to provide exceptional service and build meaningful relationships with customers.

Empowered customer support agents have the authority and resources to resolve issues promptly. They can exceed standard procedures to delight customers and proactively address potential issues or questions before they escalate, demonstrating a customer-centric approach.

Businesses can train their customer support agents with the latest customer engagement practices and keep them updated with product knowledge to ensure they have what they need to deliver exceptional customer support.

9. Use interactive self-serve guides to elevate the customer experience

Interactive self-serve guides empower customers to find solutions to their queries independently and offer a more personalized and interactive experience. This empowerment fosters a sense of control and satisfaction, leading to higher engagement. They can help customers troubleshoot issues and resolve problems independently. Self-serve guides are available round-the-clock, allowing customers to access information whenever needed eliminating reliance on customer services. Also, customer service wait times are reduced, with customers enjoying instant access to information.

Self-serve guides often use visual elements, such as videos, images, and interactive tools, to present information engagingly. Visual content captures attention and keeps customers engaged. Interactive self-serve guides can collect feedback on their usefulness and effectiveness. This feedback is valuable for continuous improvement and optimizing the customer experience, enhancing engagement in the long run.

10. Give exclusive offers and rew
ards to loyal customers

Exclusive offers and rewards show loyal customers that the company values their continued support. This recognition makes customers feel appreciated, strengthening their emotional bond with the brand. Exclusive offers create a sense of exclusivity and VIP treatment for loyal customers. By offering exclusive benefits, businesses motivate customers to remain loyal and continue making repeat purchases.

Moreover, loyalty programs that include gamification elements, such as points, tiers, and challenges, keep customers engaged and motivated to earn more rewards.

11. Utilize user-generated content to connect and convert

User-generated content (UGC) comes directly from customers, making it more authentic and trustworthy than branded content. Customers tend to trust the experiences and recommendations of their peers, leading to higher engagement with UGC. UGC reflects real-life experiences and showcases how customers use products or services daily. This relatability makes the content more appealing. Utilizing UGC encourages customers to participate in building a community around the brand.

UGC provides diverse perspectives and showcases various customer experiences involving real-life stories and testimonials, creating compelling narratives that resonate with potential customers. It serves as social proof of a brand’s value and quality and can directly influence purchase decisions.

12. Deliver a seamless customer experience across all touch-points

A seamless experience ensures customers can navigate effortlessly between different touchpoints, such as websites, social media, mobile apps, or physical stores. Easy navigation reduces friction, keeping customers engaged. A seamless customer experience reinforces a consistent brand image and message across all touchpoints. This consistency builds brand trust and fosters a positive company perception, encouraging customers to engage further.

This omnichannel approach creates a unified customer experience resulting in faster resolution, customer journey mapping, and feedback loop integration, ensuring that customer opinions are heard and acted upon, fostering a customer-centric approach.

What are the advantages of increasing customer engagement?

Let’s explore the advantages a company with increased customer engagement can enjoy.

1. Improved customer loyality

Engaged customers are more likely to be loyal to the brand. They have a strong emotional connection and trust in the company, leading to repeat purchases and long-term relationships.

2. Increased customer retention

Higher customer engagement often results in lower churn rates. Engaged customers are less likely to switch to competitors and more likely to continue doing business with the company.

3. Customer advocacy

Engaged customers become brand advocates, indirectly promoting the company and its offering voluntarily. It also increases brand reach and builds a positive brand perception for prospective customers.

4. High customer lifetime value (CLV)

Engaged and loyal customers tend to make repeat purchases and spend more over their lifetime with the company. This results in a higher CLV, which is crucial for maximizing revenue and profitability.

5. Increased cross-selling and up-selling

Engaged customers are more receptive to relevant cross-selling and upselling offers. Understanding their preferences and behaviors enables businesses to present suitable additional products or services, driving revenue growth.

6. Lower customer acquisition costs (CAC)

Retaining existing customers is 5 times more effective than acquiring new customers. Customer engagement practices not only focus on keeping the customer base which acts as brand referrers but also attract new customers without running budget-shocking marketing campaigns.

7. Competitive advantage

A higher level of customer engagement can set a company apart from its competitors, indicating a more fulfilling customer experience. In competitive markets, excellent customer engagement can be a differentiator and attract more customers to the business.

8. Better feedback and insights

Engaged customers are more willing to provide feedback and participate in surveys or user testing. This feedback is valuable for understanding customer preferences, identifying pain points, and making informed business decisions.

9. Innovation and product improvement

Engaged customers offer valuable insights into what they like or dislike about products or services. This feedback can drive innovation and continuous improvement, leading to better offerings that meet customer needs.

10. High conversion rates

Engaged customers have a higher propensity to convert. Whether signing up for newsletters, downloading resources, or purchasing, they are more likely to take action due to their positive engagement with the brand.


Championing customer engagement requires a well-rounded strategy and robust tools to execute it. And Usermaven empowers marketing and product teams to take the right steps with its privacy-friendly data analytics features. You can enjoy website and product analytics simultaneously with a single tool instead of opting for two different tools. It is feature-rich and designed to track and analyze engagement metrics, map user journeys, conduct funnel analysis, measure product adoption, and more.

Learn more about how it can efficiently help you implement your customer engagement strategies here.


1. What are the three 3 characteristics of customer engagement?

The three characteristics of customer engagement are active participation, emotional connection, relevance, and personalization.

2. What are the 4 Ps of customer engagement?

The 4 Ps of customer engagement includes personalization, proactivity, promptness, and participation.

3. Is customer experience important?

Yes, customer experience is a significant differentiator in today’s competitive marketplace and a critical factor contributing to a company’s success. It is essential to build customer loyalty, increase retention, maintain brand reputation & positive perception, foster customer advocacy, and lead a customer-centric company culture. In short, customer experience directly impacts a company’s bottom line.

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