Discover your business's potential with Usermaven's free customer lifetime value (CLV) calculator. This simple yet powerful tool helps you estimate each customer's total revenue over their lifetime. Use these insights to refine your strategies, allocate resources wisely, and confidently boost your ROI.
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CLV calculator
Estimate customer lifetime value and business health with our free CLV calculator.
Number of customers*
Enter the number of active customers
Total monthly recurring revenue (MRR)*
Your total monthly recurring revenue (MRR)
The average revenue per account (ARPA)
Your average revenue per account (ARPA)
Gross margin*
Enter your gross margin
Churn rate*
Enter your churn rate
Customer lifetime value
Enter the number of active customers
Enter your total monthly recurring revenue (MRR)
Your ARPA will be calculated automatically
Enter your gross margin
Enter your churn rate
Experience Usermaven's AI-powered tools and turn insights into impactful actions.
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ARPA * Gross margin (%)
Churn rate (%)
25 * 0.85
= 212.50
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What is a customer lifetime value (CLV) calculator?
How does the CLV calculator work?
What data do I need to use a CLV calculator?
Does improving customer retention impact CLV?
Why should businesses focus on CLV over short-term profits?
Does gross margin affect customer lifetime value?
Can the CLV calculator help identify high-value customers?
How often should I recalculate my CLV?
Does CLV vary for different customer segments?
What role does the churn rate play in calculating CLV?